Why drinking enough water increases your productivity

Do you ever feel sluggish or unfocused at work? The solution is simpler than you think: water! Hydration is not only important for your health, it can also boost your productivity. Just a small drop in your fluid levels can lead to decreased concentration, poor memory and a big dip in your energy levels.


Brainfuel: why water is the engine of your thoughts

Did you know that your brain is also composed of as much as 75% water? Even a slight dehydration of 1-2% can significantly reduce your concentration and memory, making you feel tired faster and less productive. No wonder you can have such a dip after lunch! Drinking enough water keeps your brain sharp and allows you to make decisions faster.  

Hydration and its effect on your body

Have you ever noticed that your decisions were not as sharp or quick as you had hoped? It could be that your electrolytes, which are responsible for sending nerve signals through your body, were out of balance. In fact, electrolytes send water to the right places in the body, where you get your energy and productivity. 

While the 9-5 hours at the office may not seem physically intense, it is important to know that even light physical exertion and activities, such as climbing stairs, fetching coffee or sitting on the office chair for extended periods of time, can dehydrate your body. 

Have you ever experienced frequent headaches, fatigue, a limp or mood swings? If so, you probably haven't been drinking enough water. Drinking enough water regulates your body temperature and keeps your joints supple, allowing you to perform better 

In addition, adequate hydration ensures that nutrients are effectively transported to your cells, which is essential for maintaining your energy levels throughout the day. Thus, you can avoid the need to reach for a crumpled energy bar a little more often.

In this regard, drinking water also affects mood. Several studies show that insufficient hydration can lead to increased feelings of anxiety, confusion and even depression. So to keep not only your energy, but also the mood in the office, drinking enough water is a simple but highly effective step. So avoid getting stuck and make sure your water intake is maintained.

Stay fresh and productive with sustainable water taps 

Always have access to chilled, sparkling and filtered water? You can easily do so with Zereau Drinks' water taps. These taps keep you hydrated, which is crucial to staying sharp and productive all day long.

Whether you're in the office or joining colleagues for Friday afternoon drinks (yes, you'll find us there too), we provide the best water at just the right time.

Every sip contributes to a more productive and healthier workday, while also helping the environment by reducing plastic waste. With Zereau Drinks, you not only get the hydration you need to stay focused, but you also avoid harmful microplastics often found in disposable bottles.


Want to learn more about how a water tap contributes to a more productive office, for example? Discover all the possibilities on zereaudrinks.com



  • Adan, A. (2012). Cognitive performance and dehydration. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 31(2), 71-78.

  •  Benton, D., & Burgess, N. (2009). The effect of the consumption of water on the memory and attention of children. Appetite, 53(1), 143-146.

  • Benton, D., & Young, H. A. (2011). The effects of hydration status on cognitive performance and mood. British Journal of Nutrition, 106(11), 1535-1543. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0007114511002005

Maughan, R. J., Watson, P., Cordery, P. A., Walsh, N. P., Oliver, S. J., Dolci, A., Rodriguez-Sanchez, N., & Galloway, S. D. (2016). A randomized trial to assess the potential of different beverages to affect hydration status: Development of a beverage hydration index. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 103(3), 717-723.